ECCMA Data Quality Review and Certification

Procurement Master Data

This review includes an in depth analysis of supplier and item master data in terms of its accuracy and fitness-for-purpose.

This review looks specifically at the quality of the existing master data as well as the related data governance policies and how they are used in supporting sourcing, supplier onboarding and supplier optimization as well as accurate and timely contracting, requisition, purchasing and delivery of materials or services.

Data to be provided:

  1. Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement.
  2. Data Dictionary if available.
  3. Cataloging template library if available.
  4. Data governance policies related to master data if available.
  5. Supplier onboarding forms and workflow.
  6. Supplier master data.
  7. Item onboarding forms and workflow.
  8. Item master data (materials and/or service).
  9. Requisition, request for proposal or quote and purchase order or award workflow
  10. Purchase order transaction data for three years.


The review evaluates the master data against one or more of the following ISO standards as applicable, and recommends the steps required to bring the master data into compliance.

  • ISO 8601-1 (date and time formatting)
  • ISO 22745-10 (data dictionary model)
  • ISO 22745-30 (characteristic data requirements)
  • ISO 8000-51 (exchange of data policy statements)
  • ISO 8000-61 (data quality management process reference model)
  • ISO 8000-62 (data quality management process maturity assessment)
  • ISO 8000-110 (portable data that meets stated requirements)
  • ISO 8000-114 (data interoperability)
  • ISO 8000-115 (quality identification data)
  • ISO 8000-116 (quality legal entity identification data)
  • ISO 8000-118 (location identification data)
  • ISO 8000-120 (ISO 8000-110 data with provenance)
The following are within the scope of this review:
  1. Review application modules used to collect, store, or distribute master data to include review of software licenses to identify any proprietary metadata or reference data and any restrictions on the use or distribution of master data.
    1. Review external data feeds used to verify or enhance master data to include review of data licenses to identify any proprietary metadata or reference data and any restrictions on the use or redistribution of the enhanced master data.
  2. Review requisition to order or award forms and workflow.
  3. Create or review existing data dictionary (metadata and code lists) used in supplier or item master data.
  4. Supplier master data
    1. Identify active supplier master data records used in purchase order transaction data.
    2. Verify active supplier legal entity data (Business registration number, legal name, date of origin) with the appropriate authoritative government business registries.
    3. Identify potential duplicate supplier master data records.
    4. Research or register ISO 8000-115 SmartPrefix for each unique supplier.
    5. Review supplier onboarding forms for ISO 8000 compliance (questions should be explicit, metadata and reference data must link to data dictionary).
    6. Review supplier onboarding workflow.
  5. Item master data
    1. Identify active item master data records referenced in purchase order transaction data.
    2. Evaluate the accuracy of external item references (part number).
    3. Review item descriptions and free text descriptions of purchase order transactions that do not reference the item master.
    4. Review accuracy of classifications assigned to master data records and free text descriptions of purchase order transactions that do not reference the item master.
    5. Review accuracy of classifications assigned to item descriptions in purchase order transactions that do not reference the item master.
    6. Identify potential duplicate item master data records.
    7. Review new item addition forms and workflow.
The following are out of scope of this review:
  1. Item master data verification or enhancement


  1. Report (.docx) on findings and recommendations including:
    • Recommendation on requisition to order workflow to include any improvements in the item descriptions used in requisitions, requests for quote (RFQ), and orders (award).
    • Master data cleansing and enhancement priority analysis and estimated cost. 1.3. Appendix containing list of application modules used to collect, store, or distribute master data and external data feeds used to verify or enhance master data to include identification of any proprietary metadata or reference data and any restrictions on use or redistribution of master data.
  2. Spreadsheet (.xlsx) containing initial data dictionary mapped to eOTD.
  3. Supplier Master Data
    1. Spreadsheet (.xlsx) containing a list of active suppliers with ISO 8000-116 formatted International Business Registration Number (IBRN), Legal Name, Date of Origin, and ISO 8000-115 SmartPrefix.
    2. Spreadsheet (.xlsx) containing a list of potential duplicate supplier master data records.
    3. Sample text (.docx) for requesting suppliers verify reference data.
    4. Sample text (.docx) for requesting suppliers provide technical specifications.
    5. Sample “data clause” (.docx) for use in purchase orders or contracts.
    6. Recommendation on supplier master item data improvement and validation
    7. ISO 8000 master data quality certificates as appropriate.
  4. Item Master Data
    1. Spreadsheet (.xlsx) containing list of item classes, number of items in each class and number of attributes by class.
    2. Spreadsheet (.xlsx) or ISO 22745-30 formatted (xml or json) file containing cataloging templates and rules for formatting descriptions for each item class.
    3. Spreadsheet (.xlsx) containing a list of potential duplicate item master data records.
    4. Recommendation on item master data improvement and validation
    5. ISO 8000 master data quality certificates as appropriate.

Work Schedule:

The ECCMA Master Data Quality Review and Certification is conducted over a six to eight week period and consists of the following phases.

  1. Introduction to ISO 8000 master data quality, project scope and schedule (2 hours). This first phase consists of a kickoff meeting to introduce the ECCMA team to the data stewards who will be responsible for providing documents and data. The meeting include an introduction to the fundamental principles of ISO 8000 quality data and a review of the documents and data required for the review and certification as well as agreement on the work schedule.
  2. Initial document and data collection (schedule to be agreed in kickoff meeting). If required, ECCMA will help in the extraction of master data and transaction data required for the review.
  3. Document and data analysis (four weeks). ECCMA may request clarification during the analysis phase.
  4. Initial report of findings (2 hours). The initial report will highlight potential compliance issues and provide recommendations for their remediation.
  5. Document and data collection for certification (one week)
  6. Certification (one week)
  7. Final report of findings and recommendations (2 hours)