ECCMA members leverage international data standards to drive secure digital transformation, reduce cost, reduce risk, and achieve operational excellence in a rapidly evolving and connected global marketplace.
Full Member
A company, government agency, or other organization relying on quality master data for purchasing and inventory management. You understand that trust in master data is paramount.
You are:
- part of a supply chain seeking fully automated integration;
- trading nationally and internationally;
- sensitive to reputational/ performance risk
- working to implement master data governance to lower procurement, supply chain and asset management cost and risk.
Associate Member
A manufacturer, supplier or service provider working to deliver quality portable data to existing and prospective customers.
You are:
- part of a supply chain seeking fully automated integration;
- trading nationally and internationally;
- sensitive to market evolution, customer acquisition/retention, and product visibility/brand profile
- working to deliver product references and specifications in ISO standard formats so customers can easily procure and on-board your products and services.
Professional Member
A data and/or business systems professional (individual) wishing to become recognized as a member of the ECCMA community, who is committed to the development and implementation of standards and best practices for quality data in the supply chain.
You seek to build on your existing expertise and track record by developing deeper understanding and involvement in international standards-based data.
ISO Technical Advisors Group (TAG)
Company domiciled in the United States of America looking to participate in the development of ISO standards under Technical Committee 184 (ISO/TC 184) Automation systems and integration or its sub committees.