Plans designed to meet specific supply chain requirements

Full Member

$5,000 /year

Company, government agency, or other organization relying on quality master data for purchasing and inventory management.

Looking to implement master data governance to lower procurement, supply chain and asset management cost and risk.



Corporate leaders in data quality

• Regularly scheduled member call to discuss standards implementation challenges and opportunities.
• ECCMA will run at no cost the supplier/customer master of a Full Member against the ECCMA’s Know Your Supplier (eKYS) repository (eKYS) of organizations verified with the relevant government source and return back any matches in standardized format. Request pricing details for records not found in eKYS.
• Ability to contract with ECCMA for special projects such as batch master data verification and potential duplicate identification (ECCMA’s item master, eSMM, has over 6 million standardized records making an especially rapid turnaround for many commonly used materials), API access to ECCMA registries, development of classifications or templates and standards development.
• Access to the ECCMA Library of Cataloging Templates (eDRR).
• Access to eDDM ECCMA Data Dictionary Manager (eDDM).
• Annual registration of one ISO 8000-115 SmartPrefixTM to format any identifier (part numbers, etc) into ISO 8000 quality identifier.
• One user access to ECCMA hosted Master Data Validator (eMDV) to support supplier and item onboarding or master data verification.
• Ability to contract with ECCMA for enhanced access to eMDV including application integration.
• Preferential fee ($135) for each person enrolled in the instructor-led ISO 8000 Master Data Quality Manager Training.
• Ability to contract for an ECCMA Master Data Quality Review and Certification.

ECCMA ISO 8000 Data Quality Assessment (eDQA)
Reviews the quality of data and recommends improvements to maintain ISO 8000 quality data.

ECCMA member

Non member  $25,000 (ECCMA Full Membership included)

For more information and to request ISO 8000 Data Quality Assessment click here.

ECCMA Master Data Validator (eMDV) Full Member Basic Advanced Enterprise**
Number of seats 1 5 25 500
Server Shared Shared Shared Dedicated*
eMDV Supplier Master (eMDV SM): Supplier onboarding and supplier master data validation module (can be linked to eSOM*) INC $12,000 $30,000 $60,000
eMDV Material Master (eMDV MM): Item onboarding and item master data validation module (can be linked to eSMM*) INC $12,000 $30,000 $60,000
eMDV Product Master (eMDV PM): Product (finished goods) specification and description manager module (can be linked to eSMM*) NA NA $30,000 $60,000
eMDV Stock Optimization (eMDV SO): Stock optimization module (requires inventory and transaction data) NA NA $20,000 $40,000

Prices quoted are annual recurring fees. Please note all prices are subject to charge.
* Includes profile controlled segregated data access allowing allocation of seats and separation of data by business unit. Can be used by service providers or consultants to offer branded and customized master data management platform to their customers.
 Third party cost of dedicated servers are recharged at cost.


$500 /year

Manufacturer, suppliers and service providers implementing ISO 8000 to deliver quality portable data to their customers.

Looking to deliver product references and specifications in ISO standard formats so customers can easily onboard and procure products and services.



Using quality data to make it easier for customers to find and order products

• Annual registration of one ISO 8000-115 SmartPrefixTM to convert existing part numbers to ISO 8000 quality references.
• One user access to the ECCMA Smart Catalog Builder (eSCB) to convert existing product specifications to the portable ISO 8000 interoperable data format (.idf).
• Member calls to discuss standards implementation challenges and opportunities.
• Preferential fee ($175) for each person enrolled in the instructor-led ISO 8000 MDQM Training.

ECCMA Smart Catalog Builder (eSCB) Full Member Basic Advanced Enterprise**
Númber of seats 1 5 10 100
Number of registered SmartPrefixes (or sub prefixes) 1 3 10 10
Specification server eSMM eSMM Dedicated** Dedicated**
Dictionary and template manager INC INC INC INC
Specification and description manager INC INC INC INC
Classification manager NA NA NA NA
Product Information Manager (PIM) interface NA NA NA NA
Annual license INC $12,500 $34,500 $64,000

Prices quoted are annual recurring fees. Please note all prices are subject to charge.

Includes profile controlled segregated data access allowing allocation of seats and separation of data by business unit. Can be used by service providers or consultants to offer branded and customized master data management platform to their customers.
 Can be linked to eSMM.
**Third party cost of dedicated servers are recharged at cost.

Liaison Member

$250 /year

Communicates supply chain data quality news and needs, usually a membership association, academic institution, or other type of not-for-profit organization.



• Communication with ECCMA to update each other on relevant supply chain data quality standards topics.
• Receive ECCMA’s Supply Chain Data Quality Standards News Brief to distribute to its community.
• Listing in the ECCMA Liaison Member directory.
• Preferential fee ($225) for each person enrolled in the instructor-led ISO 8000 MDQM Training.


$50 /year

Individual wishing to be recognized as a member of the ECCMA community committed to the development and implementation of standards and best practices for quality data in the supply chain.

Click to view Professional Member directory



Data Quality Leaders

• A hard copy ISO 8000 Master Data Quality Manager Certificate (MDQM) with a live signature upon successful completion of the MDQM on-line test.
• Listing in the ECCMA Professional Member directory.
• Ability to submit white papers and articles for the ECCMA Newsletter.
• Ability to review and comment on draft standards.
• Preferential fee ($200) for each person enrolled in the instructor-led ISO 8000 MDQM Training.

US TAG Member

$6,000 per technical committee* /year

Organizations domiciled in the United States of America** looking to participate in the development of ISO standards as members of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited Technical Advisors Group (US TAG) for the following technical committees and their working groups:

• 184: Automation systems and integration
• 184/SC4: Industrial data
• 184/SC 5: Interoperability, integration, and architectures for enterprise systems and automation applications

*Discounted rate of $10,000 for membership in two or more technical committees
**ECCMA can provide contact information for non US organizations wishing to join their national TAG.

Click to view current US TAG members

Request Information


• Nominated representatives registered in the ISO global directory as ISO experts and members of the US delegation.
• Access to the ISO Portal and standards under development.
• Experts can propose and contribute to the development of new standards through participation in the ISO technical committee working group.
• Experts can attend US TAG meetings and vote on US ballots.
• Experts can attend ISO technical committee and their working group meetings as official members of US delegation.

If you want to learn more about why your organization should get involved in the ISO standards process and understand the value of ISO standards in the industrial sector, please refer to the two documents below:

Getting Involved in ISO Standards Development – This document provides an overview of how to join the US Technical Advisory Group to monitor and develop standards, information about ISO/TC 184 Automation systems and integration, ISO/TC 184/SC 4 Industrial data, and ISO/TC 184/SC 5 Interoperability, integration, and architectures for enterprise systems and automation applications, and why join the USTAG from the perspective of members.

THE GOLDEN STANDARD… How standardization has strengthened the industrial sector — and the role it can now play in its ongoing digitalization – This document, written by Örjan Larsson, provides an overview of the value of ISO standards in the industrial sector and how they are being used to support digitalization.

ISO Technical Advisors Group (TAG) for US Experts* Annual Fee
ISO/TC 184 and its working groups $6,000
ISO/TC 184/SC4 and its working groups $6,000
ISO/TC 184/SC5 and its working groups $6,000
Membership in ISO/TC 184 and both SC4 and SC5 $10,000

• ECCMA is the ANSI accredited administrator of the United States Technical Advisors Group (TAG) to TC 184, subcommittees SC 4 and SC 5. The US does not currently participate in SC 1.
• TAG membership renewals are invoiced in October for the following year and payment is expected by January 1st of the membership year
• Prices quoted are annual recurring fees. Please note all prices are subject to change.

A quick reference to the ISO system and its processes for delegates and experts can be found at

*Experts from other countries may join their national TAG by contacting their national standards organization, please contact if you would like an introduction to a member of your national delegation to ISO TC 184 or its subcommittees SC4 or SC5.

Still not convinced?

Let us know if you have questions related to our membership options or benefits.

Contact Us

  • Full membership
  • Associate membership
  • Professional membership
  • US Technical Advisory Group

Over the last 20 years many companies and government agencies with an interest in codification and quality supply chain data have worked with ECCMA.

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Why Join ECCMA?

If you are trying to improve the value of your master data then you should consider becoming a member of ECCMA because:

  1. 1. ECCMA can help you independently and objectively quantify the quality of your existing master data and then help you create a strategy that makes sure you get the maximum value from your master data, at the lowest cost, and as quickly as possible.
  2. 2. ECCMA can help turn your master data into a valuable core asset that can be easily and reliably integrated into any existing application.
  3. 3. Your membership in ECCMA entitles you to access to the ECCMA master data resources that will make a substantial and significant difference to the cost of managing your material and vendor master.

If you are a provider of an application or service used for master data management, data cleansing, or cataloguing then you should consider becoming a member of ECCMA because:

  1. 1. Your membership in ECCMA entitles you to access to the ECCMA Master Data Resources that will make a substantial and significant difference to your customers.
  2. 2. Your membership in ECCMA indicates your commitment to standards for master data quality and identifies you as a provider of quality master data solutions.