eSCB ECCMA Smart Catalog Builder

Increasingly, large buyers and government agencies are making standardized quality part numbers and standardized product specifications mandatory.

The SmartCatalog Builder is a free-to-use tool, which converts existing product specifications to interoperable data format (.idf). A SmartCatalog file provides portable, machine-readable data as it is based on the open ISO 8000-114 format, and so makes your product specification ISO 8000 compliant.

Creating a SmartCatalog requires the inclusion of a SmartPrefix, before the part number.

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ISO 8000-115

ISO 8000-115 is the international standard for standardized part numbers.


The purpose of the SmartPrefix is to identify the organization that owns the part number, in accordance with ISO 8000-115.

ePNS ECCMA Prefix Name Server

A registry of prefixes used to format part numbers and other identifiers according to ISO 8000-115.

Benefits of an SmartCatalog Builder

  • Improved Visibility
    Increased B2B order success rate as items will be easier to find for requisitioners and procurement staff
  • Easy sharing and distribution of product specifications
    Once uploaded to the ECCMA Shared Item Master (eSIM), ISO 8000 quality descriptions can be shared from one central repository with buyers
  • Specifications available in multiple languages
    The eOTD provides translation of terms in multiple languages, which can be used to render specifications in a preferred language
  • Regulatory compliance
    Be able to supply ISO 8000 quality product data when requested

Do you have more questions on eSCB ECCMA Smart Catalog Builder?

Contact Us

  • Convert product specifications to .idf format.
  • Your product specification ISO 8000 compliant.
  • Supports SmartPrefix for part numbers.
  • Supports ISO 8000-115 for part numbers.