US Technical Advisory Group (US TAG)

ISO/TC 184: Automation systems and integration
ISO/TC 184/SC4: Industrial data
ISO/TC 184/SC 5: Interoperability, integration, and architectures for enterprise systems and automation application

What do you get when you participate in standards development?

Market advantage. Business intelligence. And much more…

The implementation of international standards for industrial and supply chain data quality, interoperability, and automation improves domestic and international trade and enterprise operations. These ISO standards can improve workflow, lower costs, and reduce risks. The following technical committees and their working groups develop these standards:

ISO/TC 184: Automation systems and integration

Scope: Standardization in the field of automation systems and their integration for design, sourcing, manufacturing, production and delivery, support, maintenance and disposal of products and their associated services. Areas of standardization include information systems, automation and control systems and integration technologies.

ISO/TC 184/SC4: Industrial data (Committee)

Scope: Standardization of the content, meaning, structure, representation and quality management of the information required to define an engineered product and its characteristics at any required level of detail at any part of its lifecycle from conception through disposal, together with the interfaces required to deliver and collect the information necessary to support any business or technical process or service related to that engineered product during its lifecycle.

ISO/TC 184/SC 5: Interoperability, integration, and architectures for enterprise systems and automation application

Scope: Standardization enabling the integration and interoperability of systems, applications and services for the manufacturing, engineering, and distribution domains of the enterprise and the supply chain. Applying multiple technologies to achieve integration and interoperability for these domains, these areas of standardization include:

  • enterprise reference architectures and methods of representing processes, resources and their applications within an enterprise;
  • frameworks, architectures and methodologies for interoperability and integration of enterprise applications, resources, and services;
  • integration and interoperability of software capabilities and other resources for application-specific systems across domains of an enterprise;
  • interoperability of application-specific standards developed by other committees for safety, security, quality, environment, capability assessment, and simulation when used jointly in various domains of an enterprise.
US TAG value for members
For US companies
  • Organizations domiciled in the United States of America are able to participate in the development of ISO standards in these committees as members of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited Technical Advisory Group (US TAG)

  • ECCMA is the ANSI appointed administrator for the US TAGs for ISO/TC 184, ISO/TC 184/SC 4, and ISO/TC 184/SC 5. If you would like to participate, you will need to become a member of the US TAG

Participate in ISO standards development US TAG
US TAG Briefing March 2025

View the US TAG briefing

Why participate in Standards Development?

Put simply, the standards developed in these committees make it easier to design, build, operate, and support industrial processes as well as work across the supply chain. It means business processes and data can flow between systems and applications, and enables internal teams and trading partners to connect faster and more effectively.

Being part of the standards development process means your organization has a head start in understanding and implementing standards, and in shaping those standards to better serve your organization and its requirements at the same time as it improves industry as a whole. Participating in standards development drives solutions to common industrial and supply chain data quality and interoperability problems.

There are many benefits to participating in standards development. As the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) says: “Adhering to standards boosts business, innovation, sustainability, and more—but being involved in their development offers far greater benefits.”  The business benefits for US companies of participating in ISO standards development are further discussed in case study presentations on the ANSI site Standards Boost Business.

You can learn more about why your organization should get involved in the ISO standards process and understand the value of ISO standards in industrial and supply chain data, interoperability, and automation, as well as expectations for participants  through the documents below:

GETTING INVOLVED IN ISO STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT – Document on joining the US TAG for ISO/TC 184, ISO/TC 184/SC 4, and ISO/TC 184/SC 5, and the value of participation in ISO.

THE GOLDEN STANDARD – How standardization has strengthened the industrial sector and the role it can now play in its ongoing digitalization. Written by Örjan Larsson, The Gold Standard provides an overview of the value of ISO standards in the industrial sector and how they are being used to support digitalization.

MY ISO JOB – WHAT DELEGATES AND EXPERTS NEED TO KNOW – This brochure offers delegates and experts a quick reference to the ISO system and its processes.


Acting as a US Technical Advisory Group member means you have:

  • Nominated representatives registered in the ISO global directory as ISO experts and members of the US delegation.
  • Access to the ISO Portal and standards under development.
  • Experts can propose and contribute to the development of new standards through participation in the ISO technical committee working groups.
  • Experts can attend US TAG meetings and vote on US ballots.
  • Experts can attend ISO technical committee and their working group meetings as official members of US delegation.

US TAG Membership has Administrative Fees

Please note:

  • You can join as a TAG member at any time during the year.
  • TAG membership is for the calendar year.
  • TAG membership renewals are invoiced in October for the following year and payment is expected by January 1st of the membership year.
  • Prices quoted are annual recurring fees. Please note all prices are subject to change.

Request information or contact us ( to learn more about the US TAG or if you are ready to become a member. We are happy to set up a call to discuss the work of the committees and how it may (or may not) be relevant to your organization.

US TAG Membership Administrative Fees

ISO Technical Advisors Group (TAG) for US Experts* Annual Fee
ISO/TC 184 and its working groups $6,000
ISO/TC 184/SC4 and its working groups $6,000
ISO/TC 184/SC5 and its working groups $6,000
Membership in ISO/TC 184 and both SC4 and SC5 $10,000

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