ECCMA Data Requirements Registry (eDRR)

The eDRR is a large repository of identification guides or cataloging templates composed of terminology from the eOTD, available to ECCMA Full Members.

The eDRR is a library of requirements where ECCMA members can register their data requirements or research existing data requirements to use as a base for creating a new requirement.

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Using the eDRR to improve data quality

Data Requirements are used to define the required characteristic needed to describe a class of items. Typically, data requirements are known as cataloging templates or identification guides, but in reality a data entry form can be expressed in eOTD-i-xml (ISO 22745-30) and registered in the eDRR.

As a shared resource built by ECCMA members, the eDRR assists other members in their data cleaning and data management projects.

Do you need cataloging templates to describe items?

eDRR is a large repository of data requirements of cataloging templates.

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  • Templates for different types of industries.
  • Simple and complex templates.
  • Complies with ISO 22745