ECCMA Data Dictionary Manager eDDM
A web based application integrated with the ECCMA registries designed to allow companies to create and manage their corporate dictionaries as a subset of eOTD, ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary.
Accessing the Corporate Dictionary capabilities in the eDDM is limited Full Members.
Data governance and data quality depend on a very low tech corporate resource – the corporate dictionary.
Every company has a corporate culture and those who join the company are expected to learn how to navigate it as quickly as possible; a corporate dictionary makes this a lot easier.
Building a corporate dictionary consists of creating a list of common words and phrases. Defining the terms is less straightforward and can be a daunting task, but it is a lot easier with access to an incredible free resource, the ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary (eOTD).
A dictionary is an index of terms with provenance, pronunciation and other terminology used to explain concepts.
A concept dictionary is a technical dictionary, a
collection of terminology that explains concepts where each concept has a concept identifier.
A concept dictionary is used to create portable data where metadata and reference data is replaced by concept identifiers; this is called semantic encoding.