2024 Discover ECCMA webinar (online)
10 December 2024, 13:00 UTC/8:00am EST/14:00 CET/20:00 IST
As a Supply Chain or Data Management professional, you’ve probably heard of ECCMA. ECCMA is a not-for-profit membership association and global community that champions the development and adoption of international standards for quality, interoperable supply chain data.
If you’re interested to learn more about ECCMA and its work with and for its Members, join our 1 hour webinar on December 10 for:
- An update on recent developments in ISO standards relating to supply chain data quality and interoperability
- A look ahead to 2025 data management and governance, leveraging data standards to support data quality, interoperability, and machine learning/AI
- An overview of the benefits and opportunities available through ECCMA Membership.
To attend the meeting please register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtfuCqrDgsGNQhWLEIaviqxb1P5jB0mIa3
We look forward to meeting you on December 10!