2024 ECCMA Members Meeting (online)
5 December 2024, 13:00 UTC/8:00am EST/14:00 CET/20:00 IST
The ECCMA Team invites you to join us and other ECCMA members for this 1-hour webinar covering:
- Recent developments in ISO standards relating to supply chain data quality and interoperability
- A look ahead to 2025 data management and governance, leveraging data standards to support data quality, interoperability, and machine learning/AI
- A recap of the Membership-inclusive benefits and opportunities available to you and your company, which you may not have accessed fully as yet.
To attend the meeting please using the registration form here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqdeGqpz8pGNHzGEt4cCAIbUFnYgGhNXik
We look forward to meeting you on December 5!
PS – If you’re not available to join us on December 5, you are welcome to register for our Open Webinar on December 10, where we will cover much of the same ground for an open audience (i.e., not a dedicated member event). Click here to register for December 10.