ECCMA’s mission is to champion the development and adoption of international standards for quality, interoperable supply chain data. Through collaborative efforts among industry and government, ECCMA enhances data & information accuracy and reduces costs associated with identifying and describing individuals, organizations, locations, goods, and services within business systems worldwide.

Transforming the digital supply chain

The implementation of international data standards is accelerating access to authoritative, trustworthy data, and fueling supply chain innovation worldwide. ECCMA is a global community driven by the pursuit of reliable and timely data, empowering individuals and organizations to make informed decisions with confidence.

Our priorities are to:

  • enhance data & information quality by implementing global standards.
  • support the interoperability and integration of supply chains – ECCMA leads projects for developing sections of ISO 8000, ISO 22745, ISO 29002 and ISO 25500. These standards are crucial for ensuring data quality, and facilitating the exchange of material and service master data.
  • enable the creation of portable, interoperable data sets, the foundation for timely, accurate, trustworthy business information – ECCMA serves as a hub for collaboration among global experts in data quality and governance. They work together to establish and update open standards and technical dictionaries.
  • support members to create the capabilities and resources vital for seamless data exchange and effective communication across various platforms. The standards maintained by ECCMA ensure that information retains its meaning when transferred between different computer systems.
Transforming the digital supply change through improved data quality

ECCMA and Standards development

ECCMA is a Standards Development Organization (SDO) recognized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

ECCMA is a Category A liaison to ISO and the ANSI appointed administrator of the US Technical Advisory Group to the ISO committees ISO/TC 184 (Automation systems and integration), SC 4 (Industrial data) and SC 5 (Interoperability, integration, and architectures for enterprise systems and automation applications).

ECCMA is the current project leader for the development of ISO 8000, ISO 22745, and ISO 25500 which are the international standards for data quality, the exchange of material and service master data, and supply chain interoperability and integration.

ECCMA provides a platform for collaboration amongst subject experts on data quality and data governance around the world to build and maintain global, open standard dictionaries that are used to unambiguously label information. The existence of these dictionaries of labels allows information to be passed from one computer system to another without losing meaning.

Standards Development Organization
ECCMA is a Standards Development Organization (SDO) recognized by ISO and ANSI.
Liaison to ISO and administrator of the USTAG
ECCMA is a Category A liaison to ISO and administrator of the US Technical Advisory Group to ISO/TC 184 / SC 4 and SC 5
Project leader
ECCMA is the current project leader for ISO 8000, ISO 22745, and ISO 25500



Value to Our Members

ECCMA equips Members with standards-based solutions for strategic sourcing and supply chain management. We ensure that our members can leverage international data standards to drive secure digital transformation, reduce cost, reduce risk, and achieve operational excellence in a rapidly evolving and connected global marketplace.

Our History

The Code Management Association [US-DE.BER:3031657] (ECCMA) was founded in 1999 as an international not-for-profit membership association; it is owned by its members.

ECCMA History

Board Members

Peter Benson
Sheron Koshy
Justin Magruder
Hayley Thompson
Ronald Tse
Joseph A. Yacura

Emeritus Directors

Frank Fitzsimmons
Bern Werner
Don Brown
Larry Barth

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